The Positive Impact of Music

Music is powerful and, according to many studies, it also has potential health benefits. The physical, cognitive, and psychological benefits of music therapy have been shown to reduce agitation, anxiety, and depression. According to a recent Lancet Commissions Report1, music improves the neuropsychiatric symptoms of adults living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

We know through research and from feedback from our users, their families, and caregivers, that music is incredibly powerful in stimulating cognition, reducing isolation, and reducing depression.”
- Scott Lien, CEO and Co-founder, GrandPad

Nearly every day, I’m asked how to stay mentally sharp into advanced age, and I say keep moving, connect with others, and listen to music that touches you.”
- Leading Gerontologist, GrandPad

Watch music help seniors live life to the fullest:
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1. Lancet Commissions Report: Published online July 20, 2017