Grand Love Stories
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Ruth and Doug
My parents met when they were just kids. Mom was really shy but my Dad, who was already smitten, won her over with root beer barrels. They were married in 1951 and for the next 58 years they demonstrated to all of us true and lasting love. Mom cared for Dad and our family through his 4 service years in the Korean War, going back to school for his Master’s degree, and his many long, hard years working his way up to an executive level in a Fortune 500 company. Dad had finally retired when Mom was diagnosed with early onset Alzeimer’s disease. Dad insisted on taking care of Mom at home for the 15 long difficult years of that cruel disease until she finally succumbed in 2009. Dad never complained about taking care of her. He never once asked, “Why me?” Instead he would just say, “She took care of me for all those years, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Dad is 91 years old now and experiencing some dementia himself these days. He often says that Mom will be coming to pick him up in the morning to take him home. I have no doubt that one of these days, Mom will be coming to do just that.