Secure Internet Browser

Connecting to friends and family is important, but it’s also beneficial to stay connected to the world around us. GrandPad’s® unique senior-friendly web browsing experience includes full Internet browsing with customisable security for those with or without Internet experience. Equipped with LTE data, the Internet can be accessed without a Wi-Fi connection.

Configurable Site Buttons

The Family Administrator has full control over customising the GrandPad. Manage a list of approved, preset websites so the GrandPad user can shop, learn, play, listen, watch, and connect to what they love. Full internet access can be turned on/off at any time using GrandPad Central, our online account management portal.

Easy Navigation Panel

This panel allows seniors to easily increase or decrease text size, incrementally scroll up/down a page, return to previous pages, adjust volume levels, and exit a website. The GrandPad also uses gesture and swipe controls.

Order a GrandPad today for all of the apps and functions seniors need to stay connected to their family and stay entertained all day long.